MaxB YABuzzTools: TPB

Very useful if you work with TPB (Ticks Per Beat) other than 4, 8, 16 or 32 but it can be useful even then. There are two tabsheets: Rhythm and Note Length.

Rhythm - classic 4x4 techno rhythm - it shows you where to put the triggers for selected TPB. You can also see how many kicks, claps and hats are in the pattern. Number of kicks should be equal to number of hats and number of claps should be equal to half of number of kick. If it isn't so you should consider changing Pattern Length.

  Trigger position @ 4 TPB Trigger position @ 12 TPB
Kick 0 0
Open Hat 2 6
Kick + Clap or Snare 4 12
Open Hat 6 18

Note Length - if you want to create more sophisticated music (rather than using that boring 1 or 2 ticks note length @ 4 TPB) you probobly want to use notes that if form the normal musicians use them: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/4+Dot etc. This tool helps you with that. Select desired TPB, pattern length, note length and note (if you want because here is not importat if it is C-4 or G#2 - here is only important note position in the pattern) and click Add. You can add as many notes as you want. If you want to add a Pause instead of a Note then check Pause. If you want to make note longer for half of it's value then check Dot. When you've entered notes, you can reorder them or delete undesired note(s). Finally, click Show and you get the pattern with notes in it's position. First value in pattern is row (tick number). Second is note (if it is a Pause <P> is shown). The third value is the most important - it is length of desired note (or pause) in ticks - if it's not an integer the selected TPB is not good because notes aren't in the positions they should be! Change the TPB or change the note Length in order to correct this problem.

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